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Where realism and idealism meet Tony Brasunas, author of Double Happiness

Do Book Awards Matter on the Cover?

As I’ve mentioned before, Double Happiness has been blessed to win several book awards.

Most book awards have decals that can be placed on the cover of the book, and this is a very good problem to have, obviously, but my question for you is: Should I acquire and attach decals for each award? Or just one award? Or none? Which looks best?

I want to present a great image to attract the people who would enjoy and benefit from the story of Double Happiness — as well as to sway some who might, you know, judge a book by its…

Some people have said they can’t really read the awards on the decals below. You can see the awards up close here.

Vote below. To vote for your favorite, just click on it. To vote for more than one, tick the boxes and click ‘Vote.’


There are more prestigious awards out there; none of these decals is yet for a Nobel Prize or a Pulitzer (one can always dream). Nevertheless I think including one or more of these awards helps potential readers and indicates a distinction about the book: professionals who spend a lot of time reading books have recognized Double Happiness as exceptional.

Another option is to have my wonderful cover designer add the award decal to the cover image itself, so that there’s no need to attach actual stickers.

What are your thoughts? Comment below; I’ve moved to social media commenting too. Do you like?

Thank you for your thoughts!

ps: You can still get Double Happiness for free or very reasonably priced during August and September.

Posted in Double Happiness | Writing
by Tony Brasunas on August 31, 2014

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