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Where realism and idealism meet Tony Brasunas, author of Double Happiness

Site Redesigned!

The book is out. website_redesign The hardcover, paperback, e-book, and even audiobook are now in the world, taking adventurers and armchair travelers on rugged journeys to China.

It’s time for this blog to shift slightly in focus. While still offering occasional updates on the publication of Double Happiness, and sharing my thoughts on the ever-changing world of writing and independent publishing, I’ll also be offering my thoughts on China, travel in general, and the inner life of learning and happiness I’ve been leading since coming back from China. And maybe some other topics too, if the inspiration strikes.

What do you think?

The old layout and design served me well for many years. Now it’s time for something new. In one of my lives I’m a software engineer and web designer. Let me know your thoughts on this new design. Try out the revamped comments section below.

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Posted in Websites
by Tony Brasunas on April 4, 2015